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Dear Hillsboro ISD Families and Staff,

I am pleased to welcome our families and staff back for the 2024-2025 school year. This summer, campus principals, administrators, and teachers worked diligently to prepare for the upcoming school year, including the transition to 4-day school weeks. I extend my gratitude to the team members who contributed to the planning of a successful year.

As we begin this school year, I have three primary goals: student and staff safety, student achievement, and delivering excellent customer service. The safety and well-being of everyone at our campuses is my top priority. To be prepared for emergencies, students and staff will participate in several drills, including fire, secure, lockdown, evacuation, shelter-in-place, and severe weather procedures. Student achievement saw significant growth last year, and I am eager to continue that progress. Finally, the district is here to support and assist you. Please contact your campus or the administration office for any help you may need this school year.


Darrell G. Brown, Ph.D.
Superintendent of Schools

Dr. Brown