Title IV
Title IV, Part A - Student Support and Academic Enrichment
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as authorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015, established Title IV, Part A, the Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grant Program (SSAE). The overarching goal of Title IV, Part A, is to increase the capacity of state education agencies, local education agencies, campuses, and communities to meet the following three goals:
1. Provide all students access to a well-rounded education
2. Improve academic outcomes by maintaining safe and healthy students
3. Improve the use of technology to advance student academic achievement
Hillsboro ISD has opted to REAP these funds into Title I, A funds so that they can meet the purpose of both
Title I, A and Title IV, A.
For information about Title IV programs in Hillsboro ISD, contact:
Gaila Sanders
Director of Federal Programs & Student Services