Forms & Resources
Your child’s health, safety, and well-being are our top priority. Please read the following information to learn what to
expect when your child visits the nurse’s office. If we are not available, our office staff is trained to assist students.
First, so you are aware, the state requires that we send children home for any of the following conditions:
- Redness in the eye(s), discharge, and pain, which could be a sign of contagious conjunctivitis (pink eye), which only a doctor will be able to diagnose and decide whether it is safe for the child to be back in school. A note from the doctor will be required if the child is to return to school with red eye(s) unless the symptoms are improved
- Temperature above 100 F. They may not return until they have been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medication such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen
- Diarrhea or vomiting that is suspicious of illness
- Evidence of ringworm of the scalp
- Other conditions as outlined by Texas State requirements, which can be found on the following website:, or obtained by contacting the nurse
In addition, your child may need to go home if the school nurse feels that it is in the best interest of the child to seek
medical attention, such as in the case of:
- Serious injury or extreme pain
- Excessive coughing
- Diffuse (non-localized) rash. A note from the doctor will be required if the child is to return to school with the rash
When students come to us, we assess the situation and do our best to fix their problem, or help them feel better. Although
we are not allowed to supply medications to the students, there are some things we are able to do. For example:
- Stomachaches/cramps: rest, Gatorade, crackers (if they are not allergic), heating pad
- Minor cuts/injuries: clean with saline or soap, first aid, ice pack
- Headaches: rest, ice pack; water and/or crackers (such as in the case where dehydration or low blood sugar may be a
- factor)
- Splinter: remove with tweezers or splinter extractor
- Dry lips: petroleum jelly (Vaseline)
- Sunburn: aloe vera gel
- Dry skin: hypoallergenic lotion
- Insect bite: alcohol pad (helps itching) or Caladryl clear lotion
- Foreign object in eye/eye irritation: eye wash
Although we cannot provide medications to the students, you may bring in medication to be administered as needed. A
permission form must be signed by a parent/guardian to authorize us or a designated school employee to administer
medication. PLEASE DO NOT SEND MEDICATION WITH YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL. We can also give prescription medication
routinely, as long as it is ordered to be given 4 times per day or more (with the exception of medications with an order to
give it at a specific time during school hours). Please refer to the medication policies in the handbook for more information.
When our interventions do not work, we may attempt to contact you. For other problems or concerns, we will use our
professional judgment to determine if it is necessary for the parent to be contacted either via telephone, Parent Square, or
a note sent home with the child. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s health care.
Kate Versluis, RN Cristina Terrazas, CNA
HES School Nurse HJHS School Health Aide
HISD Health Services Coordinator
Meredith Peterson, LVN Tai’Resha Stoglin, NRCMA
HIS School Nurse HHS School Health Assistant
Nurse's Corner
- HISD Medication Administration Policy
- Health Form - English
- Health Form - Span
- Parental Permit to Administer Meds
- Food Allergy Info
- Vaccine Requirements
- Texas Vaccines
- Preventable Diseases
HISD Medication Administration Policy
Health Form - English
Health Form - Span
Parental Permit to Administer Meds
Food Allergy Info
Vaccine Requirements
Texas Vaccines
Preventable Diseases
Medications at School
Your child may have an illness that requires medication for relief or cure that does not prevent him or her from attending school. When possible, such medications should be scheduled to be taken at home. However, according to Texas State Legislature and Hillsboro ISD Board of Trustee policy, a medication may be dispensed to a student by school personnel with parental consent.
Please see HISD’s Medication Administration Policy for requirements that must be met by the parent or legal guardian requesting this service.
Vaccine Requirements
Immunizations are an important part of public health, and state law requires students in Texas schools to be immunized against certain vaccine-preventable diseases.
Please be aware that students without the proper documentation of the required immunizations or a valid exemption will not be allowed to attend school. If you need help determining which vaccines your child needs for the school year and when to get the vaccines, please contact your child's doctor or immunization clinic.
For information on where you can take your child to get free or reduced-cost vaccines call 2-1-1. This is a three digit toll free number that provides information on health and social services for your area. You may also call the Immunization Branch Customer Service number (800) 252-9152 if you have questions or need additional information.